Category Archives: Published Short Stories



……………………………… SOLACE ……………………………….

No insult intended to anybody else, but I did not realize I was on my last nerve. They were just being themselves and I tried to get some time in my ‘man sanctuary’, but with the heat and everything here ….
Anyway, I just took the most peaceful nap in my chair, golf with my earbuds in, dogs not startling me awake.
I think I’m healing from many directions at this moment.
Lots to do, but I’m not putting any pressure on myself today, except for a little headache in my eyes from allergy stuff.
I can fix that.
In my dozing, I can hear the water noises on the golf course. Good earbuds pick up those noises.
No planes droning overhead today.
Just quiet golf shots, no cheering except from across the fence, commentators speaking in normal voice. Rahm a nice lead, quietly working.
I dreamt I put one line in the water at a friends cabin, then found an inner tube and slowly drifted around a small island.
I realized I was getting a little far out, even on a glass lake, and slowly worked my way back passed the tip of the island to shore.
I couldn’t find the cabin or my rod, but did discover a rickety garage holding the bones of a Rambler (two tone blue).
I realized I had turned the wrong way on the beach and headed back.
Watched myself walking away.
At this moment, I have no stretched nerve and remark to myself, “I’ll bet the others noticed that I was wound pretty tight.
I also realize that way out there, as quiet as the stream noises, was the world, noisily destroying itself.
A column of smoke marks the distance … ….
Solace knowing that they won’t come here.
Too much quiet for them, and nothing to gain. rdd


Good Morning.
Well, the I.C.U.’s in the area are 80% full as this pandemic numbers continue to climb.
So, don’t wear your mask anymore …. the cost of all this care and the deaths are going to happen anyway since we can’t get the ‘No Mask Asses’ off the street and out of our stores.
I’m seeing more now, but our stores, mayor and governor are demanding it.
Still, some just stare as if you can’t see them.
Texas is having the same problem.
You can’t fix stupid, and I’ll bet the ‘no mask assess got other success problems and troubles because there is a whole parts of their thinking process not working.
So like the surprise birthday party that infected 8 people who then infected 10 more and now the grandfather is barely hanging on in the hospital …. go ahead, let’s lessen our medical costs by getting our Covid 19 sensitive people dead more sooner than later.
To the ‘no mask asses’, I’m being facetious (oops, I mean I’m kidding about the no mask)
We here might be negative or have anti-bodies already, but we still wear the masks in public to protect you, ourselves from other things you are sneezing out, and protecting your children and elderly.
I wear a different mask in my yard when I’m raking because the dust here is full of nasties. I wear another kind of mask in my shop where I finish wood, sand, and when I spray insecticide around the yard.
I worked for a spray pilot as his spotter, and have been an exterminator, and I’m still standing!
I wash my hands after my dogs rolled in the dirt and poop, and this morning all of my keyboards and stuff got the ultra violet treatment.
I had a yearly exam of my vascular system at the VA this week.
We happen to love life and want to be around longer.
And Kathy is a nurse exposed to everything in a nursing home.
We are NOT in the ICU so far.
Enough for this morning.
I do not intend to insult or talk over anybody’s head.

The School of Hard Puckers


I went to take an ‘after trip’ nap and found I needed to finish putting away the basketed clothes from the dryer still on my bed.
The dryer had created static which is a nothing to me. I’m in the bedroom next to a bathroom you see.
This reminded me of a day a year or so ago when Kathy was complaining about the static in the dress she was putting on in the same bedroom and I told her to slap it up against the bathroom faucet. With questioning eyes, she did do it, and the static went to ground, and the dress hung freely.
Of course you can put it on first and then touch the faucet with your tongue if you want (or finger) and get the spark orrrrrrrrrr, just touch the garment before you put it on! lol
So, on that day she asked me how long I knew about that trick, and I said “Probably all my life!”
Then she puckered up and scolded “You mean we’ve been married all of these years, and I’ve had this same problem and you just got around to telling me?” !!!!!!!
So, now you know the story, and for all of you people that I’m married to somehow (there is more than one way to be married to women…. it’s a possession thing I think), I’m telling you now!
Touch the friggin’ garment full of static to some grounded plumbing close by before you put it on.
You have now been told.
And, if it generates it’s own static while you’re swishing, spray the dress with the magical anti-static atomized spray that is made from old plumbing parts (I guess)! LOLOLOLOL rdd


“Even if we purged these United States clean of illegals, prosecuted the criminals of the world, and all dedicated ourselves to our religion du jeur, so that your personal choice was the only one lawfully allowed, the sub-species of criminals, killers, and aggressive religions would still leak into America and cause amazing grief.
It is human nature by mass, to find the paths of least resistance and greatest mental and physical comfort!
All others be damned!” rdd

All Others be Damned

The Great Mastodon Hunter, I


The Great Mastodon Hunter, I


I would bet you’d find me always aware of times when others (and myself) need time to breathe.
Still, I have to make an effort to not be lazy, and do something about it.
The trick is to be productive while practicing this art. I’ve discovered that it is important to have a plan!
Much easier on the psyche! lol
Once in awhile, I don’t realize that I am expending stored up energy which can disturb others.
She suggests I go to the gym, and I, eyes lit up, 99% of the time say, ……………. “Good idea!”
I’m so clever. rdd
I call my long lens photography, “Going hunting!” and Kathy responds with, “Oh good! Bring home some good ones!”
It’s taken some time, but.
I don’t know whether I’m actually getting better at my hunting, or she’s learned to praise me as a great Mastodon hunter. When I ask her to “Look at THIS one!” with excitement, she comes to the computer and goes ………….
Have a good ‘hunting’ day, no matter what it might be!
A hunting trip to Kohl’s to find a $300 purse reduced to $90 with the ‘Sale’ plus coupons is a good one for her!
She proudly holds up her ‘mastodon skin’ purse, and I respond with “Wow”!
Have a nice day! rdd

Wednesday 3/27/19


Who NOW decides to  edit out all of the Russia connection stuff now that the decision has been made.

Now that the damage has been done to little minds for the last 22 months, they are claiming that the ‘paid for’ polar negative Trump stuff is now not good enough for you to see!

Wow. Amazing how they now think and hope they look like responsible purveyors of free speech! LOL

Sooooo busted. rdd