The Great Mastodon Hunter, I


The Great Mastodon Hunter, I


I would bet you’d find me always aware of times when others (and myself) need time to breathe.
Still, I have to make an effort to not be lazy, and do something about it.
The trick is to be productive while practicing this art. I’ve discovered that it is important to have a plan!
Much easier on the psyche! lol
Once in awhile, I don’t realize that I am expending stored up energy which can disturb others.
She suggests I go to the gym, and I, eyes lit up, 99% of the time say, ……………. “Good idea!”
I’m so clever. rdd
I call my long lens photography, “Going hunting!” and Kathy responds with, “Oh good! Bring home some good ones!”
It’s taken some time, but.
I don’t know whether I’m actually getting better at my hunting, or she’s learned to praise me as a great Mastodon hunter. When I ask her to “Look at THIS one!” with excitement, she comes to the computer and goes ………….
Have a good ‘hunting’ day, no matter what it might be!
A hunting trip to Kohl’s to find a $300 purse reduced to $90 with the ‘Sale’ plus coupons is a good one for her!
She proudly holds up her ‘mastodon skin’ purse, and I respond with “Wow”!
Have a nice day! rdd

About Ronald D. Drobeck

I've read, learned, been discriminated against, patronized, lied to, laughed at, laughed with, and ignored. I'm not a minority, not tall, not good looking, not skinny, not hairy, and can see 10 miles, but not two feet. I've been a paperboy, college student, licensed nursing home administrator, professional musician (country swing drummer), duck and goose hunter, fisherman, conservationist, Eagle scout, camp counselor, canoeing instructor, lifeguard, comedian, restaurant owner, licensed exterminator, insurance agent, warehouse manager, carpenter, conservative, father of 4, baseball coach, husband, worrier, writer, embryo gardener, photographer, and nice guy. now, old.

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