Category Archives: First Cup of Coffee



     Finishing my (grow up) years of 11 to boarding the bus for the Navy, Milbank offerred a quiet place for quiet people. 
Not for me! 
     Those years for me were filled with trial and error, learning from my mistakes, and wonderment. 
     I wondered as I wandered there, seen by everyone, remembered by most. 
You could wake up in the morning there and walk downtown where everyone remembered everything from the day before! 
When you screwed up ... you owned it forever! 
Well, at least, until the rememberers died, and you managed to blend a bit better.
     I find it curious that living in Tucson, you could make a decision wobble, get in your vehicle and drive away from it, and it would be forgotten amongst the thousands of personality, learning, and mental wobbles going on at the same time! 
     Now, as I look back, I can see the 'wobbles' going on all around me in the village of wobbles. They had their own prairie village brand, absolutely!!!! 
     Even I remember personality wobbles that didn't seem too important, so immersed in my own day to day, hour to hour, minute to minute self. 
Even here in Tucson, I had a few learning wobbles, corrected, adjusted, and witnessed by few. Admonishing myself or not, I walked away never to let that situation happen again. 
     Forgotten in moments, minutes, hours or days, soooooo much people noise was going on that little Ron goes on smarter, a little more worldly and full of experiences that we get caught up in and that we had nothing to do with. 
     I am one that is happier this way. 
I don't carry so much baggage anymore because no one really cares. I only matter because I stay under the radar of the ambient noise of all of those other baggage carriers. 
     And it's true ... I 'wobble' much less.      
     This month, I turn 72. 
     I simply do not have the energy or time to 'wobble' much anymore and if I do, I might not even notice!!!! LOLOLOLOL