

Sitting upon my throne
Doing a morning chore
When I looked up from my Digest
To see her hiding 
Behind the bathroom door.

Filled with my blood 
She stood
Blinded by the light
I grabbed a wad
Too neatly
Folded it just right!

I had just been thinking 
How nice it was 
The cold outside
Would finally do them in
And wouldn’t you know
Just as I thought that
I found one, within!

So I leaned forward
One crouching step 
Side shuffling my pants across the floor
And squashed that
Flying sucker
That will suck my blood 
No more!

Ronald Douglas Drobeck 9:45 am
11/13/18 ….. came out ten minutes ago.

About Ronald D. Drobeck

I've read, learned, been discriminated against, patronized, lied to, laughed at, laughed with, and ignored. I'm not a minority, not tall, not good looking, not skinny, not hairy, and can see 10 miles, but not two feet. I've been a paperboy, college student, licensed nursing home administrator, professional musician (country swing drummer), duck and goose hunter, fisherman, conservationist, Eagle scout, camp counselor, canoeing instructor, lifeguard, comedian, restaurant owner, licensed exterminator, insurance agent, warehouse manager, carpenter, conservative, father of 4, baseball coach, husband, worrier, writer, embryo gardener, photographer, and nice guy. now, old.

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