Houses Built on the Grains of Lies (comment)


Even though the truth is documented and witnessed, over half of the people insist on living within, and passing laws that credit lies, so that the heart of the weak and the pocketbook greedy may be satisfied.
As long as we live in a untruth oriented life…. our human troubles will increase outside those of nature that we may not be able to prevent. (Even the cost of raging nature can be made worse by those ignoring or lying about what can be done) Ronald Douglas Drobeck

About Ronald D. Drobeck

I've read, learned, been discriminated against, patronized, lied to, laughed at, laughed with, and ignored. I'm not a minority, not tall, not good looking, not skinny, not hairy, and can see 10 miles, but not two feet. I've been a paperboy, college student, licensed nursing home administrator, professional musician (country swing drummer), duck and goose hunter, fisherman, conservationist, Eagle scout, camp counselor, canoeing instructor, lifeguard, comedian, restaurant owner, licensed exterminator, insurance agent, warehouse manager, carpenter, conservative, father of 4, baseball coach, husband, worrier, writer, embryo gardener, photographer, and nice guy. now, old.

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